4,947 charts

Get royalty-free charts you can use for your projects in capital markets and structured finance - covering 776 deals.

Get royalty-free charts you can use for your projects in capital markets and structured finance - covering 776 deals.

We believe that every person should have access to the resources necessary to improve their mastery of data analytics. By making data discoverable and accessible we will accelerate your journey to extract value from data.


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Auto ABS

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Student Loan ABS

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Credit Card ABS

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30/60/90 Day Delinquency Percentage - NAROT 2020-B
Auto Loan

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BANK 2022-BNK40 has 100% of its pool in "Current" status.

Delinquencies - BANK 2022-BNK40

BANK 2022-BNK40 has 100% of its pool in "Current" status.

30.6% of the BMARK 2019-B11 loans are backed by office collateral.

Property Types - BMARK 2019-B11

30.6% of the BMARK 2019-B11 loans are backed by office collateral.

BMARK 2024-V6 has 41.6% of its pool with interest rates 7.01 - 7.50.

Interest Rate Distribution - BMARK 2024-V6

BMARK 2024-V6 has 41.6% of its pool with interest rates 7.01 - 7.50.

4.0% of the BMARK 2023-V4 loans are backed by industrial collateral

Collateral Distribution - Industrial - BMARK 2023-V4

4.0% of the BMARK 2023-V4 loans are backed by industrial collateral

9.2% of the WFCM 2022-C62 loans are backed by multifamily collateral

Collateral Distribution - Multifamily - WFCM 2022-C62

9.2% of the WFCM 2022-C62 loans are backed by multifamily collateral

16.9% of the BMARK 2021-B29 loans are backed by multifamily collateral

Collateral Distribution - Multifamily - BMARK 2021-B29

16.9% of the BMARK 2021-B29 loans are backed by multifamily collateral

14.2% of the WFCM 2016-C37 loans are backed by office collateral

Collateral Distribution - Office - WFCM 2016-C37

14.2% of the WFCM 2016-C37 loans are backed by office collateral

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What can I do with the charts on this site?

Our charts are versatile tools for your data visualization needs. You can use them to quickly answer questions, confirm your own data, or enhance your presentations, whether they're in emails, blogs, newsletters, or documents. Additionally, exploring our charts may inspire your own data visualizations and introduce you to new data sources for future projects.

Can I search for different charts?

Currently, we're expanding our collection daily and plan to implement a dedicated search feature once we reach a library of 5000 charts. Although we might not have the specific chart you're looking for right now, please let us know your needs, and we'll prioritize its creation.

What format are your charts when I download them?

Our charts are primarily available in SVG format, offering high flexibility for resizing without loss of quality. We are planning to include additional formats like PNG, JPEG, and GIF to accommodate more user preferences in the future.

How did we make these charts?

We utilize QuickChart, a robust tool that leverages Chart.js technology, to generate our charts. This allows us to create detailed and accurate visual representations of data efficiently.

What if I don't like the colors of a chart?

We're currently developing more customizable options, including a range of color palettes to better suit your preferences. Your suggestions are welcome as they help us improve and cater to diverse aesthetic tastes.

Why does Dealcharts.org exist?

Dealcharts.org was created to bridge the gap between data consumers and producers, particularly in sectors like Capital Markets, Real Estate, Alternative Data, and Venture Capital. Our goal is to democratize data access, encouraging innovation based on data utilization rather than data availability. The platform also serves as an experimental hub for new ideas and techniques in data visualization, some of which may pave the way for bespoke data solutions for specific industry needs.

How can I contribute?

We welcome contributions from all interested parties — whether you're a creator, a consumer, or somewhere in between. We are in the process of developing a dedicated page that will detail the various ways you can get involved with Dealcharts.org. Stay tuned for more information!

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