6,174 charts

About Us

Providing free and reusable charts is the first step in demonstrating the power of data discoverability in our target industries.


Our mission is to understand and describe the world around us. So many analytics projects are angling to explain. Attempting explanations is for Subject Matter Experts and At Risk Stakeholders - so we will leave that part to you!

We try to provide useful and re-usable stock charts that you are free to explore and use in your work. These charts are created from free, open datasets, and we make best effort to pass along attribution and license information for each chart. Additionally, we aim to lead you to information about the data behind each chart, how the charts were made, and where you can access the data.

Most charts on this site should be exportable in a variety of common formats (svg, png). Our hope is that you can re-use these stock charts in PowerPoint presentations, emails, blogs, etc. We are not providing direct access to the underlying datasets at this time, but we will point you to them as well as to information about the data (metadata). We are also introducing prompt engineering content to help you leverage these charts in popular AI platforms like ChatGPT and others.

We want to hear from you! If you think one of our charts is wrong or want to request a new chart or an alternative export format, contact us.


We are incredibly grateful to the following individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to make DealCharts.org possible. Thank you for your invaluable contributions!

If you would like to join our amazing team of contributors, please get in touch with us at zac@cmdrvl.com.

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