Maturity Schedule - WFCM 2018-C43
WFCM 2018-C43 has 99.5% of its pool maturing in 37-48 Months.
![WFCM 2018-C43 has 99.5% of its pool maturing in 37-48 Months.](/static/465183fe01b1f2f7ea4dbda2c673eb80/2348c/wfcm2018-c43-mats.png)
Chart Summary
WFCM 2018-C43 has 99.5% of its pool maturing in 37-48 Months, totaling $614,588,329 in unpaid principle balance according to Edgar filings. The reporting period for this information begins 2024-08-13 and ends 2024-09-11.
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