BMWOT 2022-A - Charts and Resources

Data discoverability for Bmw Vehicle Owner Trust 2022-A updated as of 2025-03-05.


Fund Holdings

Explore a list of funds that include BMWOT 2022-A bonds in their portfolios, sourced directly from the most recent NPORT-P filings on EDGAR The funds in this table should have a reporting period end date in the future which means the holdings are current as of the most recent filing.
Fund NameFiling DateFIGILEITotal ValueReporting Period
BATS: Series S Portfolio2025-02-26Search FIGILookup LEI$888,0882025-03-31
Fund NameIds
BATS: Series S Portfolio
Search FIGI
Lookup LEI
* This table is not yet exhaustive. It is a new feature and contains only the funds we have found so far based on the tranche identifiers we know about. We are still working on it!
* The FIGI Search url provided for each fund will link you to the OpenFIGI search page to lookup FIGI identifiers.
* Reporting Period represents the reporting period end date from the NPORT-P filing.
* For full disclosures, please visit our disclosures page.

Deal Documents

Links to the deal documents for BMWOT 2022-A.