CMBS Deals by Vintage
Browse Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS) deals grouped by vintage year, gaining insights into market trends and performance over time. Sourced from Edgar, data from 300+ CMBS deals.
Explore the diverse landscape of Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities (CMBS) deals, meticulously organized by vintage year through a metadata-first approach. Each vintage provides a unique snapshot of market dynamics, capturing historical trends and performance metrics in an accessible format. Our curated collection of CMBS deals by vintage enables you—and AI-powered systems—to uncover opportunities, assess risks, and make data-driven investment decisions with clarity and confidence.
2025: TBD
Let's see!
2024: Post-Pandemic Growth and Smart Integration
Highlights the resurgence in commercial real estate with a focus on smart technology integration and sustainable urban developments, marking a tech-driven market approach.
2023: Hybrid Workspaces and Sustainability
Emphasizes the recovery and adaptation of commercial spaces to support hybrid work models and sustainability, reflecting evolving workplace dynamics.
2022: Pandemic Impact and Market Volatility
Focuses on the ongoing effects of COVID-19 on real estate, showcasing how market volatility and remote work trends have influenced property uses and investor strategies.
2021: New Normal Adaptations in Multifunctional Spaces
Captures the shift towards multifunctional commercial properties that blend living, working, and retail spaces, driven by health considerations and changing usage patterns.
2020: Pandemic Challenges in Retail and Hospitality
Reflects the substantial impacts of COVID-19 on the retail and hospitality sectors, highlighting adaptations to maintain operations and manage economic shocks.
2019: E-commerce Influence on Industrial Properties
Demonstrates the e-commerce boom's impact on the demand for industrial properties like warehouses and logistics centers, crucial for online retail distribution.
2018: Growth in Urban Multifamily Developments
Focuses on the expansion of urban living spaces, with multifamily properties rising to meet the demand for housing in city centers, driven by demographic shifts and lifestyle preferences.
2017: Retail Transformation and Experiential Demand
Highlights the evolution of the retail sector towards internet-resistant models and the integration of experiential offerings to attract consumers.
2016: Upsurge in Luxury Multifamily Housing
Emphasizes the growth of luxury multifamily housing developments, featuring upscale amenities tailored to sophisticated urbanites seeking convenience and quality.